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slutty housemates lia lin and kitana lure share a glass dildo gp2849 at Analvids

Horny housemates Kitana Lure and Lia Lin are enjoying a coffee together on the couch discussing their plans for the day. Kitana asks Lia if she needs any help in the shower and she helps her brunette BFF take off her robe. Lia heads into the bathroom and decides to take a relaxing bath instead, rubbing her hands all over herself and her pussy. This tattooed babe is fingering herself when Kitana walks in and Lia fingers Kitana s pussy too. They move onto the bed and these gorgeous girls lick and finger each other, breaking out a glass dildo to share in their dripping wet holes. Find out what happens next when these sex hungry sluts are joined by a big dick stud...

  • 00:28:29
  • Dec 06, 2023
  • 60


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