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delilah loves ass to mouth at Analvids

Where do I begin? I m always in the mood for a nasty vixen with a great huge mind blowing ass. So my boys hooked me up with Delilah, DAMN! She s everything I wanted and more... Fucking Asstastic! This girl took me to balcony got butt naked and put on a show for me and the neighbors. Now this girl can suck a mean dick, I almost had to get mine, but it was my boy Tony who was the lucky one today. The one great thing about Delilah is that she loved having a big cock up her ass, and then right after every position of anal fucking, she would love to taste her ass. There was some great ass to mouth action going on there, and you know how much that turns me on! At the end of it all, Delilah took me back to my Big Mouthful days, by gargling and swallowing a huge load. Delilah s big old booty was the highlight of my day!

  • 00:00:00
  • Aug 26, 2007
  • 240


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