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busty language teacher jennifer mendez swaps studying for dp slamming gp2777 at Analvids

Two company executives, Erik and Jimmy have arranged for a language teacher to visit them and teach them Czech. They are surprised to see such a stunning busty babe when Jennifer Mendez arrives! They start to study but both guys struggle to concentrate and can t keep their eyes off Jennifer s massive rack. They head off to make a coffee and Jennifer overhears them talking about her big tits so she turns their study session into something a lot more exciting! This mesmerising hottie strips off and puts on a show as she slips a glass dildo into her juicy pussy and ass. Erik and Jimmy soon join in and after enjoying some cock sucking action, they take turns to slam her holes and treat Jennifer to a DP pounding!

  • 00:58:23
  • Sep 17, 2023
  • 10025


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