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bitchy gold digger alyssa bounty gets pranked into a dp fuck frenzy gp2742 at Analvids

When Alyssa Bounty walks out of her apartment she doesn t realise that she is the target of a gold digger prank arranged by two social media stars. He approaches Alyssa and asks for a coffee with her and this stunning opportunist declines his offer while Lorenzo and his friend Yanick film her for their series. While Yanick heads off to get Lorenzo s sports car, Alyssa continues to humiliate Lorenzo but her tune suddenly changes when she realises what he drives! What a gold digger! While driving around, Alyssa rubs her hand on Lorenzo s crotch and takes out his cock to suck him off. They get back to Lorenzo s place and this slutty whore works on both friends, stripping to treat them both to a blowjob! These players take turns to fuck Alyssa s holes and then work together to DP her pussy and ass. After this sugar baby takes both their loads over her tongue they come clean and tell Alyssa that neither the car or home are theirs!

  • 00:49:04
  • Aug 09, 2023
  • 2568


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