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husband and waiter dp horny wife kinuski in 5 star restaurant gp1987 at Analvids

David and his wife are a classy but freaky couple. Out of nowhere, after ordering food and drinks at a 5-star restaurant in Milan, David’s wife’s pussy starts dripping uncontrollably, and like the horny slut that she is, she acts on the impulse and starts sucking her husband’s cock while the waiter is away. David is in the middle of skullfucking his wife when Josh, the waiter, arrives with their meals, and the atmosphere suddenly becomes awkward. While Josh heads back to the kitchen to grab their drinks, the two shamelessly continue right where they left off, and after slamming his wife’s pussy from behind, he then slips his stiff cock into her ass as she moans uncontrollably. The fuck session is interrupted yet again when the waiter Josh arrives with their drinks. This time, however, he joins in on the action and the two studs DP Kinuski on the restaurant s couch. The restaurant fuck finally comes to an end when both guys empty their balls on Kinuski’s pretty face.

  • 00:41:41
  • Aug 21, 2021
  • 2324


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