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milf with gargantuan gonzagas bonks teacher to get her kid into his class gp1807 at Analvids

Some mothers will do anything for their kids -- although it s not too difficult for bustacular blonde MILF Casca Akashova to offer up her tuppy hole to get her kid into hot teacher Dr. Nixon once she sees that he s a real piece of beefcake! Casca s a single mom, you see, and not only is she a loving mother, but she s also a raging tower of horniness now that she has to sleep alone every night. When Nixon won t listen to reason, Casca ups the ante by pushing her milky swingers and her slender, shapely legs in his face. The timid teacher can t resist any longer, and soon he s motorboating Casca s titties like a teenager. After some intense mutual oral action, Nixon jumps right into the fray by poking Casca s snapper with his meat stick. After starting off in missionary, he gets down and dirty with some nice doggystyle, spoon, and cowgirl action before flipping her over and ramming his cock down her throat while she s upside down, sprawled across his desk. Looks like both Casca and her son will be getting high marks this semester!

  • 00:47:29
  • Apr 17, 2021
  • 758


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