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wild slender french chick angel emily cucks her hubby with 2 bbcs & then he joins in gp1771 at Analvids

Slender French blonde Angel Emily is spending her day like she does most days: sitting at home alone and thinking about sex while her husband is out making money to keep her happy! As the scene opens, she s getting herself hot and bothered by reading some erotica, and before long she gets out her dildo and we see her stroking her pierced pink snatch between her creamy white thighs before she starts pumping her pussy with its girth until she s cumming so hard she s screaming. But then -- what the fuck? -- there s a knock on the door, and when Angel opens it she finds two black studs. It s her next-door neighbor, Jesus Reyes, and his brother Oscar, and they were wondering what all the screaming was about! But now that Angel s revved up she s ready for the real thing, and invites them in. The boys whip out their wicks and before you can say blowjob, Angel s sucking and stroking them while they manhandle her diminutive breasts. After this warm-up, the brothas take turns pleasing her pussy

  • 01:25:20
  • Mar 22, 2021
  • 1569


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