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pussy & ass intro: lesbian roomies stuff each other s holes at Analvids

Today s Euro Girls on Girls starring two European cock queens is an example of exactly how hot DDF college porn gets. Hungarian pornstars Zafira and Penelope Ferre get their fill of pussy licking, and more in this lesbian porn production, delving into each other s bottom halves more zealously than we ve seen in a while!These roomies like to get raunchy; and they know exactly how the other likes it. Disrobing will first be necessary to free the amazing T&A that both hotties are hiding, so the jeans and other attire must be stripped off pronto - while bent sexily over the bed, of course. Then, Zafira is on her knees in no time motor-boating Penelope s amazing natural tits and then moving down between her juicy curvy ass cheeks for a little lick!Their shared pink vibrator will be put to the pleasure test as it explores the depths of their shaved pussies that their tongues cannot. Anal beads will take care of the anal insertion they both ache for and you don t want to miss these besties boning and moaning!

  • 00:28:02
  • Apr 14, 2017
  • 318


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