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double dong all day long at Analvids

Zafira and Anissa Kate have 34 minutes of hot girl-on-girl action for you to indulge in today on Euro Girls on Girls by DDF Network. The two brunette co-workers have an office affair that dreams are made of when their relationship goes way past professional to very, very personal. The two titty twins have been eyeing each other for a while, and when Anissa sits down suggestively on Zafira s desk, Zafira goes in for the kill, making the first move of many. The hot Euro babes look smashing in their mini-skirts and high heels, but they look even better once they ve peeled them off and pose and play in their lingerie all around the office.The two lesbians lube one another s trimmed pussies with their mouths as their tongues tango between pussy and ass licking. The pussy eating and fingering can only give them so much satisfaction though, so the double dong will finish the job they ve started and give them the orgasm they ve been after. This is a sizzling scene sure to make everyone cream!

  • 00:34:01
  • Aug 13, 2016
  • 471


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