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nail that butthole at Analvids

Guys sometimes use the term “nailed” to say how they banged some chick or another, and today we have a scene that really gives visual expression to that term. Anita is getting some assistance in the gym from Nikolas, but soon enough in this teen XXX video, we see the barely legal pornstar brunette truly nailed with her trainer’s personal meat! It’s not instantaneous, of course, cuz first we see the cutie feasting on Nik’s dick in the soft afternoon light, filling her face and getting her juicy for action. Then Nik gets her on her hands and knees so he can lick asshole before sliding his shaft into her tight shaved pussy. Next he lays her on her back, lapping her cunny and fingering her asshole before slowly inserting his rod into her backdoor, putting a smile on her face that turns into a serious expression of definite ecstasy as we see, in superb Full HD closeups, his cock in her bottom. But the action shifts back to her pussy until the moment of ultimate nailing, capturing in some incredible views his dick sinking into her cheeks from above until finally he unloads a mess of cream all over that well-reamed rosebud!

  • 00:20:20
  • Apr 15, 2015
  • 242


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