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their uncontrollable best at Analvids

Dark-haired Mona Kim and blonde Lynna Nilsson get cozy in their lacy scanties in the middle of the afternoon, caressing each other on pink satin sheets, opening their slits and licking their love holes in this lesbian XXX video showing nude babes at their uncontrollable best! Mona really tugs with her mouth on Lynna’s cunny flower as the Swedish blonde sits over her face, and then Lynna more than returns the favor when the Russian beauty lifts up her bottom so that Lynna can lap at her asshole! They kiss and tug on each other’s nipples, then finally lose the lingerie and get bare for a round of dildo sex as a silver bullet vibrator enters the scene to get sucked, rubbed against girlie grooves, and then in the ultimate moments of this glamour porn scene, crammed deep into Mona’s butthole! These girls eating pussy sure have a fine time today, and so will you!

  • 00:24:49
  • Mar 03, 2015
  • 249


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