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minions for miss maye at Analvids

Danielle Maye knows a lot about all sorts of lovely wild fantasies that pop through the heads of us leg and foot men. Not only that, but this long-stemmed lass stands 510 in her bare feet, so that means in three or four inch heels she can really tower over many of her admirers! Which is as it should be, because she really has an Amazonian appeal as youll notice in her new scene on Thursday 8/28/14.
All those who want to be Miss Danielles minion, raise your hands! (Obviously our peckers are already raised!) Danielle lords it over us in her beautiful peep toe heels, making our winkies ache at her shapely calves even as she slides her size 9 beauties out of the shoes. She gives those pumps a nice sniff, too, just as shed hopefully have anybody do who was lucky enough to be her slave for an hour...a day...a week...or eternity!
Even when Danielle is photographed from above, looking down at her, she dominates the scene with her knowing eyes and those slinky gams. She teases with her

  • 00:23:19
  • Aug 27, 2014
  • 202


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