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sigh and spray at Analvids

Zafira never ceases to amaze with her beauty and her ease in front of the camera. Here today is another great addition to this gorgeous Hungarian’s long lineup of scenes. The setting is simple--a couch; the costuming is classic--a pretty frock, matching undies, and peep toe heels; but Zafira makes it all something special. There’s one shot where she’s laying back, still fully dressed, but her thighs and curvy calves are showcased under the short hem of her dress--an image that is enough to make many of us squirt at its sensual power. Of course this glamour porn legend soon starts to peel in her pics and Full HD erotic video, gifting our gazes with her luscious 36B breasts, her shaven slit, her firm bottom, and even her alluring armpits for the specialists among us!! The lady tops it all off by putting a jeweled plug in her bottom. We can only sigh and spray in desire and admiration!

  • 00:23:51
  • Jun 17, 2014
  • 303


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