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double delivery delight at Analvids

Paige Delight takes on two deliverymen, Kid Jamaica and Franco Roccaforte, when they show up at her house with a new tv. In short order, the bodacious Brit with the 38F rack rubs their huge cocks through their overalls, then gets them into her mouth as quickly as possible. Stretching out on the couch, she sucks the Kid while Franco licks and bangs her, then she scarfs down lots of Franco’s log while riding the Jamaica johnson cowgirl style. But this threesome is only getting started with this wild girl, as Paige gives the Kid a titty fuck while blowing Franco, and then getting on her knees to receive the Kid’s rod in her butthole in this hardcore XXX video. And there’s more action to come as Miss Delight invites them both into her crotch at the same time for double penetration sensations, with the dudes alternating between her asshole and veeg. Paige even licks the Kid’s own asshole for awhile, before taking both guys back into her loins. Ultimately she gets the Kid’s load on her butt and Franco’s on her tongue and face, as this extreme porn encounter creams to a close!

  • 00:37:11
  • Nov 16, 2013
  • 228


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