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frisky lady sandwich at Analvids

Those two striking young gals from Portugal, Erica Fontes (in the black dress) and Charlyse Bella, are enjoying some champagne when their friend Angelo Ferro stops by. When Erica goes out of the room for a moment, Angelo and Charlyse start fooling around, with Miss Bella stroking and sucking his cock and Angelo licking her snatch. When Erica returns she gets into the spirit of the proceedings quickly, lapping at Charlyses slit and taking Angelos meat in her mouth. Things heat up even further as Angelo finds himself in a frisky lady sandwich between the friends, as these wild girls do everything from lick his balls to Erica sitting her asshole down on his rigid inches in this action-packed hardcore XXX video threesome. It all ends with big blasts of cum that cream the Fontes and the Bella chin.

  • 00:37:15
  • Sep 20, 2013
  • 471


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