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rod for recreation at Analvids

Abbie Cat and Jasmine Jae are two female soldiers who know that it’s important to utilize their R&R properly, and that means making sure they have a ready ROD for their rest and recreation! Thomas Stone fills the bill in this threesome scene, supplying the cock they need and sharing the bottle of champagne they confiscated from the nefarious enemy whom they recently defeated in combat. So the spoils of war mesh with the spurts of a shaft as these wild girls serve up their tits to Thomas’s lips, suck his shaft, sit on his face, and blow his dick. Jasmine plants her impressive booty over his upthrust meat, riding him with her vag cowgirl style; then she helps her comrade Abbie take Tom’s tool in her asshole as this hardcore XXX video ratchets up into anal porn mode. Jasmine then sucks Tom’s prick after the tightness of Abbie’s tush, soothes the Cat’s cornhole with her tongue, and then receives Tom’s sauce all over her slit. Ultimately, they finish off that bubbly too!

  • 00:26:25
  • Sep 20, 2013
  • 450


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