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high gear penetration at Analvids

Here’s brunette beauty Angelik Duval when she was just a wild new starlet that wanted nothing more than to entertain us and make us stiff--and how!! The petite French babe is just coming out of the bath when door-to-door shoe and lingerie salesmen Choky Ice and Nick Lang show up to peddle their goods. She tries out some of their footwear and bras, but soon enough the focus turns to how Angelik’s body should be satisfied. Choky primes her rosebud with a vibrator while she does deep throat on Nick’s prick. When she sucks Choky, Nick fucks her butt, stretching her hole with the thickness of his meat; and then she switches to riding Choky’s dick with her bottom, while blowing Nick some more. But Angelik is only getting started, as this extreme threesome premium porn epic moves into high gear with a double penetration that has Angelik taking Choky and Nick in her asshole at the same time. And you gotta see her at the end, upside down, getting the crater of her ass being filled with cum!

  • 00:30:13
  • Sep 13, 2013
  • 330


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