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anal adventurers at Analvids

Two of our favorite UK blondes Chloe Toy and Danielle Maye are at it again, and taking the back door to adventure city! It s been awhile since they have seen each other, and the girls waste no time invoking their sensual ways upon each other. Though if any of you know Chloe or Danielle, you know that sensuality quickly turns to naughty, naughty, really fucking naughty as these blonde starlets are self proclaimed "Dirty" girls. Plenty of fondling ensues intermingled with pussy licking and precision tongue to ass foreplay to warm up their bums for the pleasure of some toys. Double penetration is the name of the game and pink and purple rue the day as both girls give each other orgasms, and then take themselves to ecstasy at the same time creating a symphony of erotic sounds you wont soon forget!

  • 00:25:01
  • Aug 25, 2013
  • 242


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