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the anal pro! at Analvids

If you ve seen me with my hot and horny Hungarian girlfriend, Debbie White, then you know that things always get anal! Debbie absolutely loves to get downright nasty and lesbian anal sex is always on the top of her "to do" list. With both of us looking yummy in sexy purple and black lingerie and strappy heels, it doesn t take long for us to get into some real good pussy and ass fingering and licking action. Debbie gets a multi-colored vibe out to shove into my pink, and getting into doggy with my big booty in the air, she works it in nice and deep while I rub my clit and masturbate from below. I know that what Debbie wants for herself is to get both of her holes stuffed, so I gape her with a butt plug while pumping a big pink vibe in her shaved pussy, fucking her with the toy until she has a wild and wet orgasm. She says there s nothing like the feeling of cumming with your ass filled. Spoken like a true anal pro!

  • 00:15:09
  • Mar 14, 2013
  • 239


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