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glam seductions! at Analvids

As you Aleska Diamond fans know, she’s got one hell of a hot ballerina’s body, and I just couldn’t wait to get my hands on the Hungarian blonde’s bod again! I get so horny seeing her in sexy animal print lingerie and patterned black tights, similar to my own, and I immediately make my way over to make out with her. I bend her over in doggy, so I can get at her from behind, bringing the cameras in close as I lick her shaved pussy and ass from below. The close-ups are so close, you can literally see her pink getting wetter with every lick! She plays with my titties for awhile, but what she really loves, and knows many of you love too, is seeing my big booty jiggle. I bring out a pretty pink vibe to add to our fun, and we take turns getting each other off with it, ending with some more passionate kissing. I can’t wait for our next seduction!

  • 00:22:39
  • Feb 28, 2013
  • 255


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