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bombshell booty! at Analvids

That Cuban bombshell Katia Dé Lys is back to tangle with our testes with her outrageously lithe 34D-24-38 bod! Leaning over a chair outdoors, wearing a white bikini which contrasts so beautifully with her tawny complexion, Katia gives us many views of that outstanding booty, so firm and round and spankable and, well, perfect for all our naughty and nefarious purposes!! ;) Really, these have to be two of the most amazing cheeks weve seen for some time, and our DDF cameraman captures them perfectly in the soft afternoon light. Even the backs of her thighs and knees are pretty sexy, too! Katia slips down her top and bottom, so we can enjoy her big-nipped titties and the nudity of her incredible culo (Spanish for butt). Sitting back on the chair, she shows us the bright pink of her cunny between those dark flowery lips, and then she slides a big pink vibrator inside herself--both front and back! And gives us a most inviting smile while plunging her posterior with the plastic pinkness. We

  • 00:24:57
  • Nov 20, 2012
  • 378


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