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canyon of cleavage! at Analvids

Clanddi Jinkcego in an office situation! Can you imagine anything quite as sexy as finding this mega-mammaried French gal behind a desk when you arrive to pitch some sales, as lucky David Perry does? Looks like hes trying to show Clanddi some lingerie, as she and her 34DDs stand up to dazzle Dave thanks to her low-cut pink blouse, which shows off the edge of her bra as well as a canyon of cleavage. Some playful action with an architects T-square follows, but soon its put aside as Clanddi reveals her sugar shelf in the hot pink boulder-holder. She lets Dave touch the undersides of her bra, but then she quickly takes charge of his cock, sucking him deeply as we get to see her tits almost spilling out of the bra. She gets on her knees to continue the blowjob, and Denys DeFrancesco and his crews capture her from the best angles to show off that deep valley between her bells.Dave finally pulls down her bra and then dives in to lick her pussy for awhile, preparing her for his cock which C

  • 00:34:18
  • Mar 13, 2012
  • 703


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