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pleased to be penetrated! at Analvids

Slender blonde Antonia can’t wait to pull down her pink minidress and black bra-and-panty set to play with her pussy and show us her tits. She’s got a pair of sexy beige nipples that crinkle very becomingly, making them oh-so-suckable! Laying on a couch half in and half out of her clothes, she deeply penetrates her pussy and asshole with her fingers, but it’s only a warm-up for a session with her colorful vibrator. She stuffs it into her butt straight away, taking her plastic lover in doggie style while she presses her face against the bolster of the couch and jams fingers into her twat. Then she looks at us for a moment with a big smile, the red toy hanging out of her rear like a tail! Maybe she wishes she had a tail she could wear all the time! Getting even hotter, Antonia then stuffs her snatch with FOUR fingers while continuing to work the buzzy dildo in her ass. She even fucks herself upside down with it! What a wild way to start the week! And check out her gape when she s done!!

  • 00:18:05
  • Oct 16, 2011
  • 168


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