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quite a capacity! at Analvids

What mischief can a girl get into on top of a glass table? Quite a bit, judging by what Lena Cova is up to today. The pretty blonde from the Czech Republic is already naked from the git-go, as she rubs a pink plug-shaped vibrator over her 32B boobs and then down to her butt. Having lubed up her rosebud with a finger, she then slides the plug inside her rear until it sticks out like a pink shield. Kneeling on the table, she presents her fanny to us with the toy throbbing in there, its vibrations regulated by the remote control in her hand. Lena then lays on her back so she has easier access to her pussy while she fucks her behind with the toy. She parts her flowery lips for us, almost as if she’s inviting us in for a few licks! The plug sticks out of her seat and looks almost like a pink bullhorn! Since she’s clearly got the capacity and capability to take something in her bottom and keep it in there like a tail, maybe a bullhorn is what she should stick up there next time, and then she can broadcast the sounds of her colon to her fans!

  • 00:14:46
  • Jun 26, 2009
  • 136


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