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visit the carnal crater! at Analvids

It’s not necessary to look through a telescope at a distant moon to lay your eyes upon an amazing crater. You can do that here on earth when you peruse auburn-tressed Johane Johansson’s scene as she goes to work on her Russian self with pink duo balls! Perky in her purple frock, Johane quickly strips down to her white gartered stockings and strappy sandals, so we can watch her 34B titties quiver as she stuffs her butt with the balls. Wait until you get to the end of the scene when one of the balls is half in and out of her greased, well-penetrated asshole--then you’ll see a stretchy red crater no astronomer has mapped, but is worth commemorating with a constellation in the heavens! Or at least with a spurt or two in Mary Five Fingers! ;)

  • 00:14:08
  • May 04, 2009
  • 217


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