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too much stimulation at Analvids

Lepidoptera relaxes in her animal print frock and black lace underwear, tantalizing us on a bed. She moves around in her duds, revealing her 32A-25-35 Hungarian figure, getting down to just her lace scanties, strappy heels, and necklaces. First she warms up herself by sliding her fingers into her clam, then it’s time for a double-headed toy to really take this grey-eyed beauty over the top. She wets the huge unit with her sensual pink-lipsticked mouth, then plows it back and forth in her veeg. But Lepidoptera is only getting started, as she primes her rosebud with a finger and then stuffs the toy into her backdoor for a spell. But all this stimulation is too much for this glamour doll to take: suddenly she’s gushing out her orgasm, G-spot style! Better bring an umbrella when you check out her scene! ;)

  • 00:29:36
  • Sep 06, 2008
  • 176


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