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romancing the beer bottle! at Analvids

One of the things that makes a pictorial and video a Best of 1By-Night classic is when the girl goes that extra six inches or so for our cameras. What I mean is, our girl Charlie treats a beer bottle the way many men themselves want to be treated!Once she gets the bottle out of the refrigerator, Charlie can’t wait to strip and get further acquainted with her frosty friend. First she drinks it in the normal way, then slips into a little “beer bottle blowjob” to get the glass warmed up for its ultimate destination: her asshole! After doffing her cut-offs and lingerie (she didn’t bother putting on a blouse, she was obviously so excited to get started), Charlie pours the remaining brew all over herself and then stuffs the bottle into her butt. Our DDF cameras go in tight for details such as the pink wall of her rectum which is visible through the bottle’s clear glass neck! Amazing. Charlie really takes the bottle well in this bravura performance!

  • 00:19:51
  • Jun 09, 2008
  • 129


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