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inspect her and squirt! at Analvids

From her perky titties to her pink shaver, Charlie is a delectable package of Czech pulchritude! Naked on a couch, she greets us with a smile as she runs a French-manicured finger through the groove of her plump peach. Posing on her knees, she shows us her butt and slides a digit into her asshole too. Charlie licks her lips and spreads her snatch wide, inviting us to come close to give her a thorough inspection and fantasy licking. She sucks on her fingers and then plunges them deeply into her slot. After getting us turned on with her nudity, she then decides to get dressed, and teasingly pulls on her yellow-orange panties, pressing them into her twat. A matching bra joins the underpants, and then a sweet blue denim miniskirt and orange tank top too. Now she’s ready to go out and tease all the boys in town--but we have her on our site for your study and squirting whenever you please!

  • 00:12:49
  • Mar 18, 2008
  • 100


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