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sexy beauties enjoying eachother at Analvids

Hey, Whatâ??s up boys? Itâ??s me Claudia Rossi and lately Iâ??ve been having this craving to have sex with a girl. For the last few months Iâ??ve been getting more than my fare share of cock, Iâ??ve had a steady and heâ??s been keeping me filled with his big rod, but sometimes I need the softness of another lady. Nikol and I walked in and got on the sofa and started kissing each other, enjoying the softness of each others touch. She pulled down my top and began licking my nips, her tongue was warm and very wet. I pulled her top down and held her breast in my hand as I licked and sucked on her nipples watching them rise to a stiff hard peak. Nikol turned around and I lifted up her skirt and began rubbing and licking her ass all over and then pulling her panties to the side and rubbing her pussy up and down. I slipped my finger inside and started sliding it in and out as I licked her sexy ass all over. Nikol laid down and I spread her legs wide open and pulled h

  • 00:16:54
  • Mar 13, 2008
  • 239


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