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double dong fun time! at Analvids

Hi Guys, Its me Charlie and I have a little something special planned for you today. I recently hooked up with Veronica Da Souza and weve been hanging out ever since. We spent the afternoon in bed together having ourselves a naughty good time, kissing and caressing each others sexy bodys and teasing each other like crazy. We licked and sucked on each others breast and nipples before licking each others pussies in 69, making sure the other was nice and wet before breaking out our Double-Dong. We each took turns fucking and licking each other before deciding to each slipping an end inside, moving our bodies back and forth as we rubbed and played with our clits. Veronica laid flat on her stomach and I sat on top, humping her ass from behind, each with a piece of our Double Dong stuffed deep inside. Veronica flipped me upside down and fucked me ass from above, making sure that I got off before moving on to other things

  • 00:24:26
  • Oct 28, 2007
  • 213


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