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anal groupsex home party at Analvids

Hi Guys It’s me Jennifer Stone, I know that it’s been a while. My girlfriend Natalli has just aced her last and final exam and now it’s time to celebrate. We picked up two studs at the campus pub and took them back to our place. We popped a bottle of bubbly and the rest took off from there. We sucked their cocks like it was going out of style getting them all slicked up and they fucked our snatches with hard deep strokes and pounded our tight and horny ass holes to no end, with plenty of PTM’s and ATM’s to go around. They doubled up on us fucking us two at a time, I haven’t felt this good since longer than I can remember and I’m sure that Natalli felt the same, we both had massive orgasms, needless to say we were both very happy girls. They shot their loads off all in our mouths and all over our pretty faces just to make it all complete and then being the nasty girl we are started kissing, sharing their cum between us both.

  • 00:29:34
  • Jun 10, 2007
  • 306


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