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she digs backdoor penetration! at Analvids

Krystal, as you probably know by now, likes to be fucked in the ass. This girl lives for a big, fat dick to be rammed up her pooper and thrust in and out until she cums hard. So when she got back to Kamil s, she put her cooch in his face and started to slurp on his beast. Much to her delight he started tonguing her puckered asshole, pushing his tongue into her ass, and moistening her ring. Soon he was hard and ready to penetrate so she straddled her stud and started to bounce on his cock. After several positions Krystal found herself shuddering to climax, impaled on his hard dick before he pulled out and she ATM d his throbbing meat-stick until he came in her mouth and on her face!

  • 00:21:12
  • Mar 01, 2007
  • 226


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