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reality tv lesbian sex show! at Analvids

Celeste Star and Nikki Coxxx are roomies in the Bluebird house of fun and you get to join them reality TV style. See what they do when they chill, hear them chat about everything and anything, then journey with them inside the bedroom where they fuck!Violet is so happy to finally have a girlfriend, because she went her whole life without a girl by her side to pleasure. Now that they re together, they stay home from school sometimes just so they can give each other orgasms and express their passionate love for each other using some of their trusty dildos.Tristen Lee and Adrianna Luna flirt on the sofa in their underwear, as the film starts to roll in this 21 minute scene. The ladies seem to have no problem whatsoever working together in a lesbian scene. The kissing and stroking moves like a lovers mouths and hands would do. That means seductive foreplay, but it also means hungry direct stimulation for their horny, bald genitals... and you get to watch!

  • 01:10:10
  • Apr 03, 2024
  • 15


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