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the day after cinco de mayo at Analvids

So It was the day after Cinco de Mayo and we re hung over from all the crazy shit from the day before. We took the gang close to where sunshine used to live when she was growing up. We hanged out at this park where we picked up this cute guy on the dock, and told him to come with us and have fun at the bus. We took him around and offered Sunshine s cuchie and blind folded his pretty eyes just to get Ryann to suck on his cock, and when he took the blindfold off his face he was not too pleased with what he found, but after some $$$ convincing he was ready to take on the task, and this was to give our buddy a tremendous fuck in his tight ass. Afterwards, all we could do with this handsome fella was to kick him out the bus with a lame excuse. We got what we wanted. Party on!!

  • 00:00:00
  • Jul 03, 2008
  • 78


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