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dfwknight - 1st date ~ i needed him in my ass so bad! at Analvids

Hot BBC video! Includes Anal!

One evening at dinner with Sweet Vickie she asked if I wanted an introduction to @dfwknight .... I gulped and said “Fuck Yes” !! with my inside voice, my outside voice said…”Why Yes that would be lovely..Thank You.”

Before we finished the meal a date was established….OMG what just happened is all I could think of driving home.

Well a few weeks later I was meeting him face to face and what a true gentleman he was. I have ‘seen’ him for years and always enjoyed his videos given the sensual nature as well as raw sex….awesome combo!

This video is our first ‘date’ and I had a great time ??. As you all know I really enjoy sex ? and that is my focus with these videos as I am just me being authentic. Once that first kiss happens I’m purely focused on letting go and enjoying my sexual journey. I really hope that comes out in this video and my excitement resonates throughout

  • 00:42:12
  • Dec 07, 2023
  • 297


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