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stepson caught jerking off, guided to fuck at Analvids

I was in the kitchen washing dishes. This time I had a bit more washing up to do as my stepson was visiting. While I m messing around in the kitchen, I suddenly hear a groan. And when I turn around, I can t believe my eyes. My stepson is sitting on the sofa and jerking his cock. But what a cock! I immediately get horny in my crotch when I see this huge fuck bullet in front of me. I just can t help myself and have to put it in my mouth immediately. Since he s never had a girlfriend before, I gave him a little instruction on how best to make a cock like that squirt. Of course, just jerking off doesn t do it. The cock can only squirt really hot when it gets a wet pussy to fuck. And oops! What a coincidence! Mine was literally dripping right now. I wasn t even sure if this huge thing would fit in me. But I ll find out.

  • 00:08:02
  • Nov 26, 2023
  • 16


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