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latina maid takes it up her ass at Analvids

Something about Mell s Blanco body makes me feel so horny that I just want to start jacking off. She has a slim waist but got an ass for days. Her petite curvy body makes me crazy and what makes it better is that she s a latina hottie. She comes as a maid to clean up Freddy s house wearing tight clothes. We couldn t help but notice the way her ass shakes when she s cleaning a couch. Slowly but surely Freddy started to get real horny and offered Mell s money to clean in her lingerie. After some back and forth Mell s accepts the money and removes her shorts. For a petite body she has such a nice ass. So nice that we couldn t help but ask her to remove them, with some cash to go alongside that. She accepts the money and removes her tight small underwear to reveal a clean shaven pussy and a fat ass. After cleaning Freddy s room he coudn t hold it in any longer and started jacking off when she wasn t looking. To her surprise, she sees a tall dark man jacking off and you can tell she was hun

  • 00:43:21
  • Aug 10, 2023
  • 1689


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