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anal latina whore kitty jaguar hammered at Analvids

Kitty Jaguar is one of the biggest whores i ve had the honor of using. She is ALWAYS ready to fuck and is super anal. In fact she rather a dick balls deep in her anal cavity than her pussy. in 2020 I went to the Urban X Awards to walk the Red Carpet and have a lil fun. I did, but one of the people I seen there was Kitty Jaguar. I had invited her to come cause I thought it be a good way to introduce her to a lot of people. She had a ball, but after she was super horny and wanted to fuck. I was dead tired and pointed her to a few guys that would use her well. She did not want them, she wanted Richard Mann and the Monstercock he has. I was dead tired but Im not one to leave a woman in need of dick. I brought her to my room and

  • 00:29:49
  • Jun 19, 2023
  • 504


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