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sam zee 2in1 real corn & bat dp/dap piss drink facials at Analvids

First I pick a few ears of corn from the field nearby that fits my needs and play with it in my ass. Then get some assistants from the farm hand with giving me the ear good. Gag on his cock while he pisses in my mouth as I swallow what I can. I squirt into a bowl and drink it all. My ass needs some more warming up so I fist myself for what s to come. I get fucked by the farm boy in my ass as he fills me up with piss and push it out with a nice rose bud. I do this several times. Then I get into the kings of clubs position but instead of 2 cocks the other is an ear of corn and my man. I take it both front to back. Dp play with the ear as I get even more filled up with piss and really rosebud. End with a nice facial and more piss in my mouth to swallow and even a golden shower.
The second scene I throw some fast ball pitches with the balls then I am up for Bat ;) Afterwards my Bat Boy gets involved as I gag on his cock while Bating my ass. I get fucked with the Bat DP and then DAP! Tha

  • 01:22:43
  • Jan 31, 2023
  • 40


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