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anal queen veronica leal stretching her body and ass for anal sex at Analvids

It is workout time for the hottie latina Veronica Leal. But since it is rather hot outside, she prefers to stretch out inside instead. This is where she interacts with Charlie who is actually reading some poems.
This is rather unusual - thinks Veronica Leal. A boy like him shall play video games instead of reading high class written stuff! But no - Charlie is that intellectual type you know. He sticks with poetry.
That must be a real turn on to many girls. Veronica Leal included. Because she immediately offers the opportunity to Charlie to have her ass stretched. By him. With his dick.
And even though Charlie is seemingly the romantic, emotional guy - he obviously can t turn down an offer like this. Who would?! I mean... one of the hottest girls in the universe offering you anal sex - would you go away denying that? See...
Anyhow - Veronica starts working on his cock by her mouth first. And once it is rock hard and moist she puts that dong inside her from behind. Now just

  • 00:42:22
  • Jun 30, 2022
  • 269


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