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sex tape with my hs sweetheart (real video!) at Analvids

Back in HS we were inseparable and madly in love, but when you joined the military and were sent away for years overseas, we grew apart and broke up.
You re finally back home on leave, only to discover I m married...but you still want to see me one last time. You follow me home, spying on me from afar, let yourself into my house and give me the surprise of a lifetime when you wake me up from my afternoon nap. Our connection is still strong...
it s like you never left...but we both know we can never be together.
My husband won t be home for a few hours, and I can t deny that I want you..let s leave reality behind, have the best sex of our lives...and I want you to tape it like we used to back in the day.
I ll always be your dirty little slut deep down, so let me show you how much you mean to me while you fuck me like you re never going to see me again

  • 00:34:53
  • Dec 23, 2021
  • 35


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