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mandingo going deep in that ass! at Analvids

This week, Monsters of Cock brings you the alluring tale of Chanel Preston and her massively hung house guest (Mandingo). Mandingo is rumored to have the BIGGEST BLACK COCK IN PORN, but that doesn t scare away our sexy milf. In fact, his huge dick makes her SO hot that she offers up EVERY HOLE. That s right, it s another interracial ANAL Monsters of Cock. This update has it all. It has Chanel fingering herself to orgasm, loud throat fucking, hard pussy pounding, and deep stretching anal. Chanel s probably still siting on an ice pack, but she loved taking that huge cock. At one point, she face fucks herself, then flips over on all fours and says, Choose your hole . Which would you choose? Mandingo goes back and forth on all of her holes until he shoots her with a big sloppy threat for her to swallow. You don t want to miss this one.

  • 00:27:27
  • Nov 09, 2015
  • 877


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