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rich girl susy has her pussy eaten like cherry pie before anal at Analvids

A rich man is waiting for the saucy Susy to arrive at his luxury mansion and when she does he can not keep his hands off her hot body! After some playful kissing, her panties come off and he eats that pussy like a cherry pie. Now that she is soaking wet, she returns the favour by giving him some sensual head that makes him rock hard. Her pussy is ready for pumping and he grabs her legs and does just that! After, he bends this classy looking girl over and slams her in the pussy and ass until her eyes roll to the back of her head. She gets on top and bounces her ass slowly and her perky tits jiggle to the movement. Finally, her perfect face takes a cumshot facial and she sucks up the rest with her mouth.

  • 00:12:32
  • May 04, 2015
  • 117


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