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love at first anal at Analvids

This week we have a hot Italian Broad who came over to us because she wanted us to set her up on a pleasant date. Her name is Adriana Deville and she is smoking! She has a great tan and hot body to go with it. Big Titties the kind you just want to rub all over your face and smother your self to death with. Well anyway We set her up with Flaco a guy who barely speaks any English and is studying Criminal law, go figure! We thought it would be just some average date and that maybe she would just blow him off. Surprise Surprise they hit off from the get. It didn t take long before they were making out in the car and she was giving him head on the way to their first activity. This is one date with a lot of action. They just can t seem to take their arms off each other. I guess the obvious question that will get answered her is CAN HE SCORE!

  • 00:00:00
  • Jun 04, 2009
  • 220


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