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mya the dominatrix gets dominated by the monster cock. at Analvids

Hey what s up you Bang Brothers out there! This week we got a girl who s freak nasty. Her name is Mya Nichole and she loves all the whips and chains shit. That’s right, Mya s a Dominatrix who loves to deal in pain and pleasure. It turns out that in her career in porn she has never had a cock bigger than nine inches and she wanted to try something new and exciting. Well that’s how Mya found her way into our little studio. She had heard about Ramon and his gigantic growth between his legs. Mya gave me a little sneak peek of what she had under her dress and flashed those awesome tits in my face. Amazing! She has the largest naturally round breast I ve ever seen (of course I always say that). But I mean it this time; those tits are great. So yeah anyway, she didn t know what she got herself into when he showed up on the scene to fuck the living shit out of her. Only one thought came to her mind. ANAL! ONLY ANAL!

  • 00:00:00
  • Sep 22, 2008
  • 373


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