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bangin in the hood at Analvids

Hey, this week I was cruising in the hood with my old friend Stan from Iowa. He came down here on vacation after I told him how much ass he could pull, and he also came for the big game up in Gainesville. So yeah anyway, we picked up this punk Shaggy who just can t seem to get his shit together and get a license. Homeboy can t even put his hair in a respectable haircut. So from that point on I decided his name should be Buckwheat, but I m not going to let him know that for now. I told Stan to cruise around a couple of streets and we picked up a girl name Mia. She was my victim for the day. Our mission was to lure her into the bus. It took like 220 bucks jus to get her in. But once she was inside and comfortable, she did what I expected her to do. Show us those big ass titties. I didn t want to let her feel alone so I made Buckwheat take off his clothes too. Mia liked what she saw, in fact when we asked her to suck his dick; I didn t even get to finish that sentence before she had her mouthful. Too bad we had to ditch her.

  • 00:00:00
  • Sep 16, 2008
  • 146


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