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sexy amy does anal on the bus at Analvids

What a crazy ass fucking day it has been today on the bus. Well first it started off kind of lame, every girl we would talk to was just ignoring us. I knew there would be one person who d be able to help us with this situation, Brianna Love and her fat ass. We picked her up and it was just a whole lot of fun. This girl is so wild, I just love her, and of course her nice ass. I was lucky enough to get a blow job from her, but she had another scene to do somewhere else, so that was all I got. Once we were done I dropped her off and kept looking for more girls to come ride the bus. We ended up running into Megan Jones, a sexy hot latina with a great pair of tits, and nice round ass. She was with her cousin, who I must say was another hottie, but they didn t want to come with us, so we kept searching. Then I see this really hot girl walking with her umbrella, so I called her over. I flashed a little bit of money, and it didn t take long before she was on the bus topless. I offered five hundred dollars more to find a guy and fuck him on the bus and she said yes. I mean if you think this girl is crazy by now, it gets better. She likes older dudes, so she picks up like a fifty year old and sucks his cock like it was a lollipop. Then she rides him like a pro, next thing you know she was doing anal on the bus. Instead of ditching her, we ditched the dude, this girl was just to good to be true, and I think I might want to see her in the future. Peace, Preston Parker

  • 00:00:00
  • Nov 13, 2007
  • 373


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