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good students finish on gabriels mouth at Analvids

Dallas was an exemplary student who did well in school. He was on the deans list and always turned in his homework. He didnt understand why he was being called to the teachers office after school. Gabriel who was his favorite teacher said that she had called him over because she was mesmorized by his hardwork and dedication to his daily duties but dallas had a feeling that there was something more going on. She admired him, his body, his chest and his long bulge...she wanted to reward him for his diligence by sucking his cock. Mrs. Gabriel is a hot milf with a busty chest and lucious legs that wont quit. So watch them fuck on the desk in all the best positions and find out why the good boy always gets his just reward.

  • 00:00:00
  • Oct 24, 2007
  • 201


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