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alexis does anal, finally! at Analvids

I love Alexis May! She s a sweet girl with big tits and a nice ass. Yet, she never does anal! So after some convincing on my part, I finally got her to try it. YES!!! My Jedi mind skills are still intact. The anal was hot! Jordan eased her into it. When they were comfortable they both got in the swing of things. It s not all about the anal. He hit that tight pussy real good. They fucked doggy, mish, you name it. The blowjob was sloppy and wet. Jordan was in heaven. He even got a titi fuck out of the deal. Not to shabby! Anyway, The Sanchez approves so how could it be bad?

  • 00:00:00
  • Jan 11, 2006
  • 179


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