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lonely single stud turns dinner party into swingers night with his friends gp1738 at Analvids

Steve Q. has been single for a while, but he recently got an idea when he tried a swingers party: invite his good friends over for dinner and then entice them into fucking each other! After he gets the dirty-minded Billie Star and innocent Jennifer Mendez and their boyfriends over, after initial hesitation he seduces Jennifer into an impromptu fuck session in the kitchen while Billie and her boyfriend go at in another room. Now that everyone s in the mood, the evening becomes an epic orgy with plenty of oral, anal, DPing, and good old-fashioned cocksucking for everyone involved. The hammering and cries of ecstasy seem never-ending as each dude takes his turn laying into each of these voluptuous babes.

  • 01:23:11
  • Feb 27, 2021
  • 1337


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